Condiciones Generales de contratación

ATTENTION: Please carefully read the details of your reservation and the contents of these General Conditions prior to accepting.

  • Check in time to the tourist accommodation: de 15h00 à 23h30
  • Check out time from the tourist accommodation: Jusqu'à 12h00

Reservation cancellation policy

The reservation made may be cancelled in the following manner:

  • Via the website.
  • Via email:
  • Via telephone: +34 975 213 143

Any bank fees generated by the cancellation of the reservation will be the expense of the client.

Reservation change policy   

Any change to the reservation may be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled arrival date.

The request may be made in the following manner:

  • Via email:
  • Via telephone: +34 975 213 143

Always indicating the reservation code. The success of any change will depend upon hotel availability at the moment of the request.

1. Owner of the website.

The company ÑAM BILBAO is the owner of and responsible for this website, with registered offices at Ctra. Nal. 122 km 146 , 42004 Soria (Soria), and tax identification number B48636120.

2. User obligations.

  1. The user accepts these General Conditions and consents thereto, which he comprehends and understands in their entirety.
  2. The user states that he is of age and has the legal capacity necessary to contract the services offered on this website.
  3. The user is liable for the accuracy of the data he submits when registering as a client; data that should be truthful and complete.
  4. The user is responsible for correctly stating the number of persons who are to occupy the room or apartment.
  5. The user who completes the reservation form should be authorized to do so on behalf of all members of the group included in the reservation.
  6. The user undertakes to comply with the specific rules of the tourist accommodation.

3. Formalization of the agreement.

The formalization of the agreement will be made upon the confirmation of the availability of the service, the acceptance by the contracting party of the general conditions and the payment thereof by credit card in the payment gateway of the bank.  All transactions will be encrypted by means of a secure payment system guaranteed by the bank.  This environment ensures that no credit card information will be intercepted and, therefore, will not reach any person other than the bank entrusted with processing the payment instructions of the client.

The total amount of the reservation should be paid at the hotel establishment itself.

The price of the reservation includes those services chosen and itemized on the reservation form exclusively.

Upon completing the reservation the user will receive, at the email account furnished, the reservation voucher and contracting conditions that shall have already been given to him during the on-line reservation process.

The voucher or proof of the reservation, containing the reservation code number and details on the reservations, should be printed and kept by the user for delivery to the hotel upon arrival.

The owner of the website reserves the right to reject or request supplementary information for any reservations that fail to pass the security controls established in our e-commerce system.

4. Offers

Offers will solely be valid during the period established on the website, or for the time during which they are accessible to clients for effective contracting.

5. Amendment of the General Conditions.

The owner of the website reserves the right to amend these General Conditions at any time and without prior notice, by means of the publication of the new conditions on this site.

If any clause included in these conditions is totally or partially declared null or invalid, such nullity or invalidity will solely affect such provision or part thereof that is null or invalid, and the rest of the general conditions shall remain in force, and such provision, or any affected part thereof, will be deemed as not established.

6. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

The contracting parties expressly and voluntarily submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Vizkaia for the resolution of any conflicts arising out of the interpretation and application of this Agreement. The applicable legislation will be Spain.